
askelon ai website

What Is AskElon?

Ask Elon (417)-ASK-ELON is an innovative AI tool that allows users to interact with an AI version of Elon Musk through a phone call. The tool was developed during the 8-hour Toronto Cohere, Replit, & Chroma AI Hackathon and utilizes various cutting-edge technologies.

Using Twilio’s Programmable Voice API, AskElon establishes a phone number (417-ASK-ELON) that users can call to initiate a conversation with the AI Elon Musk. The voice interactions are powered by Vosk’s Transcription model, ensuring accurate and seamless communication between users and the AI.

AskElon’s development team also employed Ngrok, a tool that hosts local servers to the web, to facilitate smooth data transfer during the phone calls. Flask, a web framework, was used to build the backend of the application, providing a robust and scalable infrastructure.

The heart of Ask Elon is powered by OpenAI’s GPT3.5, a state-of-the-art language model. GPT3.5 enables the AI to understand user queries, process natural language, and generate responses that mimic Elon Musk’s manner of speaking and thinking. This integration creates a remarkably authentic and engaging experience for users.

AskElon was a collaborative effort involving talented developers from Eleven Labs and showcases the potential of AI and advanced technologies in creating interactive and lifelike conversational experiences. Ask Elon (417)-ASK-ELON opens up new possibilities for accessing information, engaging with AI personalities, and exploring the capabilities of cutting-edge technologies.

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