What Is Boomy?
Alex Mitchell is the esteemed founder and CEO of a sophisticated website and mobile application named Boomy, which facilitates the creation of original songs for its users by leveraging state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) software to handle the majority of the complex processes. Operating from the Bay Area, Boomy distinguishes itself by not relying on bands, renowned stars, or hit producers. Nevertheless, the innovative startup generates tens of thousands of new tracks daily. As of now, Boomy’s users have collectively produced over 3.2 million songs, leading CEO Alex Mitchell to declare the company as “technically the biggest record label in the world” in a recent conversation with Protocol.
Upon selecting from a diverse range of musical genres and clicking “create song,” the AI system composes a unique piece in under 30 seconds, efficiently determining the track’s key, chords, and melody. Users are then able to refine their creations through various modifications, such as adding or removing instruments, altering the tempo, adjusting volume levels, incorporating echoes, enhancing or softening the overall sound, and recording vocals.
Established in California towards the end of 2018, Boomy has amassed a global user base that has collectively generated nearly five million songs. The platform also enables users to submit their tracks for listing on prominent music streaming platforms, such as Spotify, providing them with the opportunity to earn revenue based on the number of plays.
While Boomy retains the copyright to each recording and initially receives the associated funds, the company commits to redistributing 80% of the streaming royalties to the individual responsible for creating the song. According to Mr. Mitchell, over 10,000 users have published in excess of 100,000 songs on various streaming services, showcasing the platform’s remarkable success and impact on the music industry.