Clarity AI

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What Is Clarity AI?

Clarity AI, developed by Mckay Wrigley, is an AI tool that utilizes OpenAI technology to incorporate current information from the web into search queries. Serving as a simplified version of Perplexity AI,

Clarity offers users a straightforward approach to accessing up-to-date data. The tool’s implementation involves scraping Google for relevant webpages based on the user’s query. The extracted text from these webpages is then combined with the query to create a prompt. This prompt is subsequently fed into OpenAI’s API, which generates a response.

Although Clarity is still in the development stage, it exhibits significant potential as a valuable resource for obtaining accurate and timely information. Several potential enhancements could be introduced to further optimize Clarity’s functionality. One improvement involves expediting the generation of answers by replacing the current link scraping process with the utilization of the Google Search API. Additionally, the addition of “follow up” searches would enable users to delve deeper into their queries. Enhancements to the prompt mechanism and enabling the functionality of sources in non-text-davinci-003 models are also areas that could be improved. Furthermore, users have the option to train their own models for answer synthesis.

Clarity AI Alternatives

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