Code Snippets AI

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What Is Code Snippets AI?

Code Snippets AI is an AI tool that enables natural language-to-code translation, converting spoken language into code. Unlike Codex, ChatGPT’s natural-language-to-code capabilities are highly advanced, surpassing it in terms of contextual code creation from web references or ongoing projects.

Exciting news! The GPT-4 API has been recently launched, providing exceptional natural language communication. By subscribing to the $10/month GPT-4 plan of Code Snippets AI, users gain access to the latest AI model’s enhanced benefits. For other plans, ChatGPT with its finely-tuned GPT-3 code model will continue to be used.

Code Snippets AI has an extensive roadmap in place, offering a wide range of features and IDE integrations for their extensions. To stay updated on the latest developments, it is recommended to sign up for their newsletter located in the footer.

Code snippets are pre-defined templates that simplify the input of repetitive code patterns, such as loops or conditional statements. In Visual Studio Code, these snippets are conveniently displayed in IntelliSense (Ctrl+Space) alongside other suggestions, as well as in a dedicated snippet picker.

Additionally, Code Snippets AI has recently completed the development of their Microsoft VSCode extension. This extension enables users to save their snippets to an online library while leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI Model.

Code Snippets AI has plans to upgrade their system in the coming months by incorporating cutting-edge AI models offered by OpenAI. This includes the possibility of fine-tuning specific AI models exclusively for individual teams, further enhancing their code generation capabilities.

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