
cruderra ai website

What Is Cruderra?

Cruderra is a cutting-edge AI tool designed to empower software engineers in creating architecture documentation and code using an innovative platform. The platform offers a seamless integration of AI, Git version control, testing, and monitoring capabilities, making it an ideal choice for team-based projects. With Cruderra, engineers can create interactive architecture as code using popular Python/PlantUML, resulting in up to five times faster code changes. The platform facilitates efficient collaboration among team members by providing a space for discussions and approval of architecture-related pull requests via Git integration.

One of Cruderra’s standout features is the ability to trace and test architecture in real-time. This ensures that the development process remains efficient, with fast test case generation for comprehensive validation. Developers can also compare actual and target architecture diagrams using the visual editor, offering valuable insights during both development and production stages.

Cruderra supports Data Flow Components Diagram (DFCD), which displays data flows between system/service components and clients. It also visualizes API endpoints and UML Sequence Diagrams, as well as communication with external services. Furthermore, the platform adheres to Open API 3.1 and AsyncAPI standards and extends them with additional functionality, such as topics, models, database support, and mappings.

Sequences can be rapidly designed using reusable components through an intuitive visual editor or automatically detailed by program code. Cruderra’s Gateways feature allows users to specify proxy servers and set general rules, managing traffic policy templates, HTTP headers, methods, requests, and responses effectively. Additionally, Cruderra introduces a new tool for model mappings, featuring field binding, filters, transformation functions, and calculated fields.

Cruderra caters to client-side usage of APIs, displaying only the utilized methods and supporting local database integration for designing API and DB data binding. Overall, Cruderra stands as an indispensable tool for software engineers, offering enhanced collaboration, AI-powered architecture development, and a range of features to streamline the software development process.

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