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What Is Fina?

Fina is an AI tool that revolutionizes Custom Financial Tracking, eliminating the need for spreadsheets. It empowers users to effortlessly track their finances with flexible blocks, allowing them to monitor any desired metric. By leveraging live data, Fina enables “what if” scenario planning, providing valuable insights at the click of a button. With Fina, managing your financial life becomes a seamless and magical experience, eliminating any anxiety and bringing clarity to your financial decisions.

One of Fina’s key features is custom scenario planning using live data. It pulls your financial information directly into customizable blocks, simplifying the planning process. By setting rules and detecting transfers, Fina ensures clean data by bulk categorizing and handling transfers automatically.

Fina also offers the flexibility to group your accounts according to your preferences, keeping your finances separate on an accounting level while visualizing them all in one place. You can ask questions or utilize templates to obtain real-time data from your finances. Starting with a simple Notion-style document editor, you can add blocks and effortlessly become a knowledgeable finance expert in your circle, answering questions and tracking metrics without requiring complex calculations.

With Fina’s comprehensive tracking, you can consolidate your entire financial life into a single platform, gaining a holistic view of your finances. The tool provides personalized insights that turn your questions into actionable answers, empowering you to make informed decisions. Additionally, Fina offers reports to enhance your confidence in taking the necessary steps towards financial success.

Security is a top priority for Fina. The tool utilizes bank-grade security through trusted third-party data service providers like Plaid to connect to your financial institutions. Fina ensures that your data remains secure by maintaining read-only access and fetching information on demand. Your financial account credentials are never stored or accessed by Fina’s servers. The combination of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) safeguards your personal information. Unlike other platforms, Fina never sells your data and relies solely on subscriptions and user support for funding.

In summary, Fina is a powerful AI tool that revolutionizes Custom Financial Tracking, offering a fast and flexible solution to manage your finances. With the ability to track any metric, custom scenario planning, and personalized insights, Fina simplifies the management of your financial life. The platform ensures data security and privacy, guaranteeing the confidentiality of your financial information. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to a transformative financial tracking experience with Fina.

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