GPT Engineer

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What Is GPT Engineer?

GPT Engineer is an advanced AI tool designed to simplify the process of adapting and extending code while enabling customized learning for your agents. This powerful tool generates an entire codebase based on a given prompt, allowing you to define how you want your code to look. With GPT Engineer, you can effortlessly specify the desired project and prompt the AI, which in turn seeks clarification if needed and proceeds to construct the code accordingly.

To further enhance the capabilities of the AI agent, you have the ability to shape its “identity” by editing the files located in the preprompts folder. This allows you to personalize the agent’s behavior and recall information across different projects, as the agent’s memory and knowledge can evolve with each update to the project prompt and modifications made to the preprompts.

For convenient tracking and reference, GPT Engineer records the communication history between the user and the AI agent for each step in the process. These logs are stored in the logs folder and can be easily rerun using the provided script,, to reproduce specific steps.

GPT Engineer empowers developers and users by offering a flexible and efficient solution for generating code, adapting to specific requirements, and enhancing collaboration with AI throughout the software development lifecycle.

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