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What Is Shield?

Shield is an AI-powered tool designed specifically for personal brand building and employee advocacy programs on LinkedIn. With Shield, users can gain valuable insights into their social media performance and track their growth, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and optimize their content strategy.

One of the key features of Shield is the ability to understand which posts perform best. By providing users with key metrics at a glance, such as engagement and reach, the tool empowers users to make data-driven decisions and build a stronger personal brand on the platform. This understanding allows users to increase engagement, improve content quality, and enhance their overall online presence.

The frequency map is another essential component of Shield. This feature visually represents the most frequently used words in a user’s posts, helping them identify key themes and topics for content optimization. Knowing how often they post also aids users in maintaining consistency and steadily improving their content strategy over time.

Furthermore, Shield enables users to stay on top of their team’s activity. The tool provides insights into team members’ contributions to content and their level of participation. This feature serves as a motivator for team members to engage more actively in online conversations and increase their collective online presence.

Shield also emphasizes the importance of organic content, which is perceived as more trustworthy and beneficial in establishing a brand’s authenticity. The tool calculates the earned media value, which estimates the dollar amount the user’s reach is worth. This metric helps users understand the value they gain from their organic content efforts and reinforces the significance of maintaining an authentic online presence.

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