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What Is is an advanced AI tool designed to assist users in harnessing the power of AI language models (LLM) effortlessly. With, users can seamlessly connect their own data to the AI LLM, enabling them to leverage its capabilities for various tasks.

One of the key features of is its flexibility in data integration. Users can connect their data to the AI LLM by either uploading documents directly or linking a GitHub repository or a website. This allows for easy access to a wide range of data sources, enhancing the tool’s versatility. goes beyond data integration by automatically collecting documents from GitHub repositories and websites on behalf of the user. This automated process saves time and effort, ensuring that the user’s connected dataset remains up to date with the latest information.

To obtain quick and accurate results, offers a “prompt” input feature. Users can prompt their connected dataset with specific queries or requests, guiding the AI LLM to generate relevant and insightful responses. This prompt-driven approach enables users to efficiently interact with the AI tool and obtain the information they need. is an AI search assistant that empowers users to connect their own data to AI language models effortlessly. By offering data integration options, automated document collection, and prompt-driven interactions, enhances the accessibility and usability of AI LLM, making it a valuable tool for a variety of applications. Alternatives

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Caffeinated AI enhances customer support productivity. Its AI autofill tool integrates with popular support solutions, optimizing cost-to-service ratio.
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Mage is an open-source AI tool for data integration & transformation. Developer-friendly, cloud collaboration, efficient pipeline management.
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Surfer AI excels with a comprehensive approach, minimal user effort. Improve online visibility, drive traffic, rank higher in search engines.