
Visit tl;dv
tl;dv ai website

What Is tl;dv?

tl;dv is an AI-powered meeting tool that revolutionizes the way you handle meetings. With its integration of GPT technology, it offers a range of powerful features designed to optimize your meeting experience.

Firstly, tl;dv provides a meeting recorder that not only transcribes your calls but also summarizes them. You can easily record meetings using the Zoom app or Google Meet Chrome Extension, capturing high-quality video and sound. Accessing and sharing important call moments becomes a breeze with the meetings library.

One of the standout features of tl;dv is its AI Meeting Transcription capability. It automatically transcribes meetings in over 30 languages, delivering accurate transcripts with speaker detection. The ability to search every spoken word across meetings with a single click provides a quick and efficient way to find specific information.

tl;dv’s AI Meeting Note Taker is another valuable feature. With just a simple click or shortcut, it instantly summarizes key moments during your meetings. This allows you to stay focused on the conversation at hand while the AI takes notes for you. It’s a productivity booster that ensures you never miss important points.

Additionally, tl;dv offers a video clipper that enables you to create bite-sized customer clips. Whether you want to impress clients or share user feedback with your team, editing Google Meet and Zoom videos is made easy. In just a couple of clicks, you can create powerful and engaging clips to convey your message effectively.

Lastly, tl;dv allows you to search call moments using keywords. This feature provides an overview of discussions across meetings, helping you find and summarize all relevant information related to a particular topic. Whether you need to catch up on missed conversations or recall details from client interactions, tl;dv ensures you never miss a meeting insight or forget an action point again.

In summary, tl;dv powered by GPT is an AI tool that enhances your meeting experience by providing features such as recording, transcription, summarization, video clipping, and powerful search capabilities. Its seamless integration with popular collaboration platforms and CRMs further streamlines workflows and promotes efficient collaboration. With tl;dv, your meetings become more productive, insightful, and easier to manage.

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